Published On: Tue, Dec 12th, 2017

What to do When Experiencing Varicose Veins

Any type or form of pain is unpleasant. Pain caused by inflamed veins (referred to as Varicose Veins) is no exception to this statement. The cause of this condition can be due to a variety of things such as standing too long, obesity, older age or menopause and sometimes genetics.

Luckily, there are a few methods and simple home remedies that people who are suffering from this condition can use to help in easing their pain and reduce the affects.

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These methods are mentioned and explained in further detail below:

1. Elevating the Area
Although it is obviously different for every case, it typically occurs in the lower legs. This is due to the fact that the blood here sometimes gets ‘trapped’ as the body struggles to pump the blood back to the heart, against gravity. The blood then starts to collect in these areas, resulting in the enlargement of the area and this results in pain.

Elevating the legs allows the blood to flow easier back to the heart, so that the body isn’t working against gravity. Although it can be difficult to find time within a busy working schedule, resting and putting the legs up is a good way to relieve pain and can sometimes reduce the overall appearance and condition.

Similarly, it is a good idea to try and relieve pressure on the affected area as much as possible! Again, this can be difficult when working in demanding environments that require constant movement – but on breaks or between busy times try to rest the area.

2. Specific, Regular Exercise and Good Diet
This may seem contradictory to the first point, but regular exercise can be highly beneficial for those who are dealing with varicose veins. As mentioned, obesity is a large contributing factor to this condition, putting too much weight and therefore pressure on the legs makes it even more difficult for the body to pump blood against gravity.

Regular exercise reduces body weight and therefore reduces pressure on the legs. It also helps to stimulate blood flow through the body, essentially reducing the affects of enlarged and painful areas. It is important however, to note that not all types of exercise are going to be beneficial.

The best exercise is walking, plain and simple. Walking for 30 minutes a day isn’t going to put the muscles and body under heavy strain, but still work to stretch and strengthen calf and thigh muscles – improving blood flow. Try to avoid more intense exercises such as heavy weight lifting and intense cardio as these put more strain on the muscles.

Regular exercise not only works to relieve pressure on affected areas as well as improves blood circulation, it generally allows for optimal bodily functions. A healthy diet allows for a healthy mind and heart, enabling the body to operate efficiently. Generally speaking, exercise and good diet are always good for one’s well being, both physically and mentally.

3. Be Mindful of Clothing Choices
Wearing specific clothing such as tight jeans or slim-fitting elastic tights can worsen the condition. These types of clothes restrict blood flow and again, make it difficult for the body to pump blood properly back to the heart or wherever it needs to go. It puts pressure in the wrong areas and causes the collection of blood in certain areas.

Although it may sound like a contradiction, wearing compression stockings can actually really help to ease painful veins. They are designed to concentrate the right pressure to the right area, and assist the body to pump blood properly.

Overall, this condition isn’t necessarily detrimental to one’s health. They can however, cause a lot of pain and left untended can grow worse and unsightly. If these home remedies don’t work it’s best to see a professional.

Author: Colin Steinway

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