Published On: Tue, Jan 26th, 2016

Ted Cruz says media is ‘partisan liberal Democrats’

Sen. Ted Cruz was interviewed Sunday on the Fox News program Mediabuzz, and host Howard Kurtz suggested that Cruz bashes the media to gain favor with his conservative base and the Texas Senator responded quickly, insisting that the “mainstream media” are “partisan liberal Democrats…almost without exception.”

This is the exchange per Newsbusters:

KURTZ: Quick last question: When you bash the media, and you’ve been treated unfairly at times, like you scare little children (Cruz laughs), but isn’t that in your interest to do that? Your base loves that. They don’t like the mainstream media.

CRUZ: There’s a reason they don’t like the mainstream media. They’re partisan liberal Democrats.

KURTZ: Every single journalist?

CRUZ: Almost without exception.

KURTZ: Almost without exception?

CRUZ: Almost without exception. They have a partisan agenda, and yes we understand — alright let’s take a substantive issue, police officers. If you have one police officer somewhere who does something he shouldn’t have, the press will breathlessly report on this terrible, horrible police officer and all of the Democratic politicians will jump in and demonize and vilify the cops. Let me ask you something. How come the press doesn’t tell stories of heroism? But the great news is, we don’t live anymore in a world of three networks that have a stranglehold on information. We’ve got the Internet. We’ve got the Drudge Report, we’ve got talk radio, we’ve got social media. We’ve got the ability to go directly around and directly to the people.

Kurtz didn’t bring up the Latino candidate’s young daughters Catherine and Caroline being cartooned as little monkeys by The Washington Post. but went back to the same questioning at the end of the interview:

KURTZ: You’ve ripped coverage of the Republicans as being unfair and biased from the day you got in the race. But now as a leading candidate, don’t you need to be able to withstand tough media scrutiny?

CRUZ: Oh sure,  that goes with the territory, but any Republican who is running should not be confused and think that the mainstream media are our friends. They are partisans. They wake up every day fighting for liberal political agendas. The New York Times wants Hillary Clinton to be the next president, and every day from now until the election they’re going to push stories advancing that. Now that’s the reality, that’s the world we live in. The answer is not to whine and complain about it. The answer is to do what Reagan did. Go over the head of the media, go straight to the American people. That’s what we’re looking to do. That’s why we’re building running a grass-roots campaign to go around the media gatekeepers.

photo donkey hotey

photo donkey hotey

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About the Author

- Sierra is a copy writer for The Dispatch, focusing primarily on pop culture and stories linked to the latest Christian headlines, both in the U.S. and overseas.

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