Published On: Tue, Jul 23rd, 2013

Mississippi returns prayer to schools for students with a ‘disclaimer’ to protect the district

Mississippi governor signed a new law requiring school districts to adopt a policy to allow a “limited public forum” at school events such as football games or morning announcements, to let students express religious beliefs.

Praying Hands (Betende Hände) by Albrecht Dürer

Praying Hands (Betende Hände) by Albrecht Dürer

The policy must include a disclaimer that such student speech “does not reflect the endorsement, sponsorship, position or expression of the district.” (Senate Bill 2633)

Gov. Phil Bryant of Mississippi signed the bill into law requiring…

“…public schools to develop policies that will allow students to pray over school intercoms, at assemblies and at sporting events. While not allowing school-sanctioned prayer, the law permits students to offer public prayers with a disclaimer by the school administration.”

“(The bill) provides a limited public forum — making it clear the state is not endorsing the speech,” Sen. Chris McDaniel, R-Ellisville said. “What we don’t want to do is make it where prayer is discriminated against.”

The act, effective Monday, also sets out a model policy for adoption by local districts, mirroring the law, and forbidding treatment of religious expression any differently than nonreligious expression.

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  1. HenryAbisk says:

    There are many alternatives to uTorrent available.

  2. Thomas Higgins says:

    “Invisible Pink Unicorn, help us to live in your pale red joy and rose-colored peace. Give us strength and understanding to resist pedophiles, bullies, abusive parents, and unjust laws. Protect us from ignorance, disease, trauma, and toxic agents. Guide our teachers to provide relevant, accurate, and unbiased education. And empower them to obtain favorable working conditions and just compensation. Shine your rosy light of compassion on human suffering and injustice in Mississippi, and direct our public officials to ensure that all Mississippians enjoy adequate food, clothing, housing, medical care, and necessary social services. Amen.”

  3. Nathan says:

    I’m confused, why do you need a law to pray in school, why does the entire student body have to stop what they are doing so you can pray? you just stop at your locker, close your eyes and quietly talk to your imaginary friend. No one is stopping you from doing that.

    • Crystalballs says:

      Nathan, you are way too rational and smart. You cannot be a fundamentalist Xian from Mississippi.

  4. Grant Stedman says:

    I honestly do not have a problem with religion or prayer in school as long as ALL religions for that particular school is observed. That includes Buddhist incense burning, ANY native American ritual that reflects the school population, any WICCA circles that might be worshipped by kids in that school. The key words are ANY and ALL religions that present represents the population of the ENTIRE school must be available for open recognition and reverent respect from ALL factors of the school. I. Do. Mean. ALL. Religions. Represented. In. EACH. School.

  5. Brithael says:

    Waste of time waste of money… and still not very nice.. it will all stop when someone wants to pray to Odin or Allah.. stupid rednecks

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