Published On: Mon, Aug 15th, 2011

President Bourne, Michael Moore says to elect Matt Damon


Michael Moore is a smart man. But even smart people can say stupid things. When Moore recently expressed support for Hollywood actor Matt Damon to run for President in 2012, it made me cringe, on the one hand because I imagined all the backlash from the right wing pundits who are going to jump up and down like screaming monkeys and claim that he’s a nutbar, but on the other hand, because they wouldn’t be wrong on this one.

Here is Moore’s comment:

“I think that [Matt Damon] has been very courageous in not caring about who he offends by saying the things that need to be said here, and if you want to win, the Republicans have certainly shown the way — that when you run someone who is popular, you win,” Moore recently said. “Sometimes even when you run an actor, you win. And I guess I only throw his name out there because I’d like us to start thinking that way.” – Michael Moore (read more Moore quotes here)

There are just so many things wrong with this idea. There are the simple logistics: Matt Damon has no experience, has never held an elected office or passed a bill of law, and as far as politician age goes, he’s a toddler. Not exactly the right stuff to run for the highest political office in the country.

Then there are the issues that he’s spoken out against, like standardized testing. Yes, standardized testing. Not health reform or foreign policy. Almost anyone with basic education will tell you that standardized testing is out-moded and generally useless when assessing the capacity of students.

It doesn’t take a public administration degree to figure that out and it doesn’t take a whole lot of courage to speak out against this particular issue. How is he going to fare when the issue turns to the Middle East, abortion, gun control or fiscal policy? Speaking out against testing for school children is one thing; speaking out on these vital and controversial issues is another.

This is not to say that he’s not a nice guy who has principles and intelligence. It just takes a lot more than that to run a country.

Then there’s the ridiculous side of this debate. Anyone who’s seen the Bourne Trilogy is going to have images in their heads of Jason Bourne, US President, holding cabinet meetings and then drop kicking the policy advisors who don’t agree with his ideas. I can just picture him doing crazy martial arts moves and yelling emphatically

“You-support-better-learning-for-students!” chopping with his wrist to emphasize each word.

Not to mention all the Team America fans gathering at political rallies to yell out Matt-Da-Mon! just for the sheer fun of it.

And you know who his first advisor is going to be when he’s elected into office? His childhood best friend, of course, the acting-impaired Ben Affleck. His job would be to verbally break down any wayward pussy footing cabinet ministers that are wasting their time. I can just see him addressing the House:

“You f*!@ing pussies need to get your s$!t together. Not for your goddamn selves or your idiot electorate. You need to get your f*!@ing s$!t together for America! For America you motherf*!@ers! Don’t you sit and look at me in that dumb ass way, you know bloody damn well what I’m talking about! You suits wouldn’t have lasted a day in my hood! Boston yo! We would have run your sorry asses out of town on day one! Now are you going to vote or aren’t you??? I don’t got all day, assholes! I got other places to be and more people to kick around.”

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Mika Oehling’s initial blog (mission statement?): I want to use my blog as a forum for creative expression and as an outlet for creative expression that I don’t otherwise have in my life. And I’ve also decided to stop bothering friends and family alone with my rants and raves, but decided to share them with the world so that it can bother them as well.

I’ve decided to structure my blog as a series of rants and raves. There will always be one topic, but sometimes there are both opinions expressed about the exact same thing. That’s not because I’m bipolar, it’s because I’m a Libra and I tend to see both sides of every argument and can’t make up my own mind. Yes, I am that annoying person you see in the grocery store, furrowed brow, trying desperately to make sense of the different varieties of canned soup. And I never understood their crazy sodium content.

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About the Author

- Mika Oehling's initial blog (mission statement?): I want to use my blog as a forum for creative expression and as an outlet for creative expression that I don't otherwise have in my life. And I've also decided to stop bothering friends and family alone with my rants and raves, but decided to share them with the world so that it can bother them as well. I've decided to structure my blog as a series of rants and raves. There will always be one topic, but sometimes there are both opinions expressed about the exact same thing. That's not because I'm bipolar, it's because I'm a Libra and I tend to see both sides of every argument and can't make up my own mind. Yes, I am that annoying person you see in the grocery store, furrowed brow, trying desperately to make sense of the different varieties of canned soup. And I never understood their crazy sodium content.

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