Published On: Wed, Sep 7th, 2022

How to Leverage Digital Marketing For Business Growth (5 Strategies)

Digital marketing is something businesses can no longer ignore. It’s crucial to business growth and you can bet that all the top-performing companies in every industry will have a solid digital marketing strategy in place.

However, there’s a big difference between a digital marketing strategy that works and one that doesn’t. Here are 5 strategies that could help you to boost your sales and grow your bottom line.

1. Content Marketing

Content has been king of the digital marketing world for a while now, and it’s not going anywhere anytime soon. It still holds the number one spot on Smart Insights’ Managing Digital Marketing report, with 15.1% of marketers rating it the single most impactful marketing activity this year.

Content marketing is especially important for eCommerce websites and generates triple the amount of leads per dollar than paid search marketing. Anivda.com has published a great guide to content for eCommerce websites if you want to learn more.

photo/ Gerd Altmann

2. AI-powered Marketing & Automation

This next digital marketing trend is a surprising one, but it’s definitely one of the most powerful new digital marketing techniques in 2019. AI, machine learning, and marketing automation technology are transforming the way digital marketers and companies market their products and services.

One example of this is AI-powered ‘chat bots’, which are able to interact with your customers in ever-more sophisticated ways. Having a chatbot on your business website can help you to provide customer service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Even if you’re out of the office, you can still interact with your customers and get their contact information so that you never lose a lead.

3. Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing continues to grow. Consumers these days spend an awful lot of time on social platforms, and studies show that consumers are also particularly responsive to product ads and recommendations on these platforms, particularly sites like Pinterest and Instagram.

On Instagram, for example, more than 80% of users follow at least one business. If you can establish a powerful social presence, you can leverage social media marketing to grow your business, drive traffic, and generate more sales.

If your own brand doesn’t have much of a social presence, you can also leverage someone else’s, which brings us nicely onto strategy number 4…

4. Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing refers to the strategy of partnering up with a third-party who commands a loyal following that aligns with your target market. It’s one of the fastest-growing and most effective digital marketing strategies, with a superior ROI compared to other marketing techniques.

If you’re a makeup brand, for example, you might want to work with self-made ‘beauty vloggers’ or Instagrammers. These figures command a lot of influencer over a huge following of sometimes as much as hundreds of thousands of loyal fans. 

You can leverage this influence through paid promotions or sponsorships, where the influencer will shoutout or recommend your products in return for something, whether that’s a financial incentive, a free product, or anything else.

5. Video Marketing

Finally, let’s talk about video marketing. The growth of YouTube over the past decade has been staggering. It’s now the second-largest search engine after Google and has 3 billion monthly searches. 

As such, companies now need to diversify their marketing strategy and focus on video content as well as text content if they want to stay relevant to today’s consumers. Different companies are taking help from the best internet marketing services to apply the plans and get audience for their companies.

Author: Jeffrey Clifford

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