Published On: Wed, Jul 19th, 2023

Google Stresses the Importance of User-Friendly Content

Generative AI has been receiving a lot of attention recently. This technology can produce new and original content by combining different online resources and publications. It does this with minimal human intervention and within the shortest time possible compared to humans. 

However, with AI-generated content predicted to dominate content creation, Google has once again emphasized the importance of creating content for people. 

The company generally is not focused on whoever generates the content but rather on the quality of your content. Therefore, Google’s primary focus is whether the content is helpful, not manipulative. 

In fact, the Google is in favor of the use of AI in content generation. “Automation has long been used to generate helpful content, such as sports scores, weather forecasts, and transcripts.” In addition, the company noted that AI, if used well, could generate better content with new levels of expression and creativity. 

So, how do you use leverage AI to create better content? Google advises focusing on people-first content. This means the content should be helpful to people instead of achieving higher ranks on search engines. 

An update to helpful content involved using the E-E-A-T (Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness) system. This helps content creators produce authentic, high-quality, and people-oriented content. 

Google also advised on evaluating the “who, how, and why” of one’s content. The company included a new section in its most recent documentation to help content creators evaluate their work based on the mentioned aspects. 

photo/ Gerd Altmann via pixabay

Here is a more comprehensive evaluation of the who, how, and why evaluation. 


Who (created the content) 

Creators are encouraged to outline the authors/creators of the content. Creators are asked to check if visitors can quickly identify who authored the content. For example, one should include a byline and background information on the authors. Authors who observe these guidelines are one step closer to achieving high content-quality success. 

How (the content was created) 

Here, the creators should work toward enlightening the reader about how they created the content. For instance, a page with product reviews can build trust with its readers by outlining the number of tested products, the test results, and the methodology. Creators can also provide photos as evidence that the tests were actually conducted. 

Other details to be shared with the readers include automated, AI-assisted, and AI-generated content. This will help the readers understand the role of automation in the content they are reading.

 Here are a few factors to consider:

  • Is the use of automation in content generation evident to readers through disclosures or other ways?
  • Are you explaining why AI generation was deemed useful in content creation?
  • Are you providing information on how you used AI to generate content? 

Disclosing information about how you created content is helpful, especially in situations where one might wonder how certain content was produced. 

Why (was the content created)

Google has reiterated that you should primarily create content to help people. Creators who make content to attract more search engine visits are generally not aligned with E-E-A-T guidelines. However, those who create content that is useful to visitors when they visit their sites will be rewarded by Google’s core ranking system. 

Remember, using AI in content generation to manipulate search rankings violates Google’s spam policies. Regardless, using AI content does not go against google’s guidelines.

Author: Anu T

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