Published On: Wed, Dec 2nd, 2015

Global Warming experts: climate change may lead to ‘giant flying boulders’

According to global warming experts, there will be many casualties of climate change and warns of another risk: giant flying boulders.

Climatologist James Hansen and geologist Paul Hearty recently paid a visit to Eleuthera, Bahamas, to an area where two strange boulders sit. The 1000 ton rocks, dubbed the ‘cow and the bull’, are situated near the edge of a steep 18-meter cliff.

Tests show they’re much older than the rocks beneath them, indicating they came from somewhere else.

Bugs Bunny explosion photoHanson and Hearty believe the bloulders were flung onto the cliff by large waves brought about by climate change 100,000 years ago. One recent study found that in the Cape Verde islands, 73,000 years ago, a 300-foot-high mega-tsunami carried boulders as large as 700 tons atop a cliff almost as high as the Eiffel Tower.

That said, the scientists say the changes that took place then are similar to the patterns happening now. They believe that powerful storms induced by climate change could cause the rocks to become airborne once more.

The University of Geneva’s Kindler, who has examined the boulders and published with Hearty in the past, criticized his paper with Hansen, agrees that the boulders were put in their present location by giant waves.

“These boulders are much more weathered than the underlying substrate. The underlying substrate consists of very well-preserved limestone,” Kindler says. “They are partly dissolved, so they are older than their substrate.” However, Kindler holds that a localized tsunami, caused by an undersea landslide that would have occurred as the seafloor off the coast collapsed, is the most likely cause of the waves that threw the rocks.

Past studies indicate humans stand to lose chocolate and coffee, while major cities could be put at risk. Other studies point to harsher winters, longer summers and more intense storms.


Another extensive study conducted on the cow and the bull, for example, concludes the boulders are the last remaining remnants of towers.

“We looked at those criticisms,” Hansen tells The Washington Post.

“It became all the clearer that the interpretation that we’re making is right, and that the boulders are wave-deposited, and highly likely that they’re deposited by the same storms that are causing the other obvious features in the Bahamas.”

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About the Author

- Writer and Co-Founder of The Global Dispatch, Brandon has been covering news, offering commentary for years, beginning professionally in 2003 on Crazed Fanboy before expanding into other blogs and sites. Appearing on several radio shows, Brandon has hosted Dispatch Radio, written his first novel (The Rise of the Templar) and completed the three years Global University program in Ministerial Studies to be a pastor. To Contact Brandon email [email protected] ATTN: BRANDON

Displaying 2 Comments
Have Your Say
  1. Tom says:

    Experts? Title is misleading. They are a bunch of liars trying to get another federal grant.

  2. mememine69 says:


    Climate change scientists are also “99% CERTAIN” that smoking “COULD” cause cancer and the planet “COULD BE” flat. Who’s the neocon?

    *34 more years of debate and denial is certain and unstoppable.

    *Your criminal exaggerations and abuse of vague climate science is how your kids will remember you fear mongers.

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