Published On: Fri, Mar 23rd, 2018

Generation Z: latest trends and fads among teens in 2018

As society is going through a constant everchanging state, and we are surrounded by all sorts of tech development movements, you might be wondering what are teens up to in 2018? From hobbies, to clothing styles, taste in music as well as socializing, things have definitely changed tremendously along the year, with few resemblances remaining among previous generations of teens and the generation Z of today. Despite the fact that each teen has their own personality (and today’s TV shows, movies, educational institutions and social platforms and programs promote individuality and uniqueness like never before), there are a few trends, or fads that seem to remain equally popular and appealing among all teenagers.

photo/ Pixabay

Here’s what teenagers find cool or are interested in nowadays:


Well, one has to admit, a good meme is appreciated by anyone regardless of age, but the meme trend has taken over the generation Z entirely. The internet is filled with all sorts of funny images and texts that teens are forwarding to each other on all sorts of social media accounts. Memes are used to satirize popular culture, to convey humor and sarcasm and basically to trigger a laugh. With a single scroll on Facebook, or Instagram for example, you will come across at least one of these Internet memes. Regardless of test and type of hour our preferred, there is a virtually endless variety of meme styles out there, and new ones are being created right this moment. So, if you take a look through a teen’s photo gallery, you will certainly stumble upon an entire collection of memes.

TV shows

Whether it’s a sitcom or the well-known fantasy series Game of Thrones, teens are loving tv shows and are always the first to know about the most popular releases. With subscriptions to Netflix, binge watching tv series with their friends are one of youngsters’ favorite pastimes.  Peers are also attracted to buying all sorts of merchandise revolving around their favorite shows, starting with t-shirts and mugs and up to phone cases. And just like their parents might have had posters in their bedrooms with their favorite bands when they were teenagers, so do today’s teens with their favorite tv characters.

photo/Gerd Altmann

Ringtones are still cool!

As surprising as it may seem, ringtones have remained a popular thing even in 2018 among teenagers. While today’s ringtones are of course far different from what they used to be back in the day, teens still enjoy downloading unique, fun and entertaining ringtones on their smartphones. With downloadable ringtones all over the internet, it’s no wonder why you almost never hear two smartphones ringing the same way. While some youngsters prefer downloading free versions, others are even willing to pay for their ringtone, if it’s a version they really enjoy.


Regular selfies are no longer as popular as they used to be, because now you can take photos of yourself with different funny filters. That is the concept Snapchat relies on. Form dog and other animal filters to ones that distort your appearance, Snap chat is the platform that provides you daily with new amusing filters that take selfies to a different level, a funnier one. This social media platform is one of, if not the most popular channel among 2018’s peers. It’s less likely to find a youngster that doesn’t have this app downloaded on their phone. Being a great form so socializing with their friends as well as share a few laughs, Snapchat has conquered the hearts of teenagers (and even of older generations), and it seems like it may take a while until another social media platform will be able to take its place, in terms of popularity level.

Instagram food

If it’s not Instagram worthy make sure a teen will think twice about eating a meal. Peers are spending on food more money from their budget than on their clothes, according to studies, and their preferred restaurant choices usually depend on what’s trending on Instagram. The likelihood of seeing a teen taking a bite of a delicious-looking dish without snapping of photo of it first is a very slim one. The trend of Instagram cuisine has started a few years back and continues to grow, especially among the young generation.

Tattoos and piercings

While many things might have changed along the years, there is a trend that has been extremely popular among past generations during teenage years, and still remains as appealing today as back in the 80 and 90 – tattoos and piercings. Although today’s youngsters might prefer different types of piercings, and might have other tastes in tattoo styles, young people are still drawn to these sorts of things. Getting an ankle tattoo, or having your eyebrow pierced, for example is still seen like an incredibly cool thing to do by your average teenager, and of course, it’s still a hated trend by parents (although they have probably gone through that phase themselves).


Yes, why use words when texting when you can express your feelings, emotions and thoughts much better with an illustration, right? Well, that’s what most teens these days believe. Whether they use an Android or an iPhone, the majority of teens make sure to incorporate as many emojis in their conversations as possible. Regardless if they are chatting on Facebook messenger, on Instagram, or regular direct text, it’s less likely for a teen to send a message without finishing it with a representative visual illustration – the widely-known emoji. So it’s no wonder why in 2017 even an animation motive appeared with exactly this title: The Emoji Movie. The trend of using emojis in conversations is less likely to slow down anytime soon.

Teens today might seem to have completely different taste than previous generations, but considering they do have access to more things, especially in the tech department, one can clearly understand why their fads aver changed so much. It seems that the generation Z is mostly drawn to the few things mentioned above, regardless of gender or location across the globe.

Author: Cynthia Madison

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