Published On: Mon, Jul 13th, 2015

Effective Ways You Can Help Seniors Avoid Falls

According to the CDC government website, it is claimed that 1 out of 3 adults aged 65 or over will experience a fall or accident. These falls can lead to head injuries, fractured and broken bones, and even prove fatal.

Annually, the number of falls and accidents by seniors and elderly adults are climbing at alarming rates. In fact in 2014 statistics demonstrated that more than 2.5 million falls were addressed in urgent care environments and 734,000 were so severe that they required overnight hospital stays. Additionally, the costs to treat these accidents totaled over 34 billion dollars.

Although this problem is wide-spread, for the most part this health epidemic of sorts can be slowed as most falls and accidents are very preventable.

How To Prevent Accidents and Falls in Seniors and the Elderly

Through research and statistics we’ve gathered from patient.com some of the best, fall-proof techniques you can put into place when dealing with an elderly person who may be at risk for a fall that is life-altering.

Fall Proof the Environment

  • Alleviate tripping hazards by clearing pathways
  • Add grab bars in bathrooms, near toilets
  • Slip pads in showers, tubs, and firm bath mats
  • Implement shower and tub chairs that require no standing
  • On stairways add railings or change to a sloped surface without steps
  • Make sure areas are well lit and lighting is efficient
  • If they have poor balance make certain they use a walker or cane

Senior Best Health Practices

  • Make sure they get regular exercise– Exercise can help an older persons, strength, coordination and balance. This can help them to be better at functioning and doing things normally without risking falls.
  • Get medical evaluation of their meds- Medication can cause dizziness, poor balance, and impair one’s ability to walk and function optimally. Be sure to evaluate the meds to make certain the person is not at risk for falls while using certain medications.
  • Eye exams- Poor eye-sight can hinder a person’s judgement and increase the odds of a person tripping and falling. Make certain a person’s eyesight is checked and addressed when taking precautions to safe-guard them from very preventable accidents.

Another Option… Medical Alert Services

In worst case scenarios there are resources that you may need to employ. If the situation applies where your elderly loved one is at higher risk for falls and is near needing constant supervision, there is one more tactic you can take –Medical Alert Services.

There are many senior alert services, which all vary in what they do and how they alert you, but they work on the same premise of notifying an emergency contact or emergency service provider that can call for help if a loved one of yours has taken a fall and is need of medical attention and assistance. These alert services are usually worn with a small bracelet or necklace and have a button that can be pressed.

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The Risks and Consequences of Falls in the Elderly

Most falls cause hip fractures, broken bones, skin tears, head traumas and a small percentage cause fatalities. When an elderly adult takes a fall they can do great damage in way of hurting their bodies, quality of life, and even can cause them to have to be in constant care and assistance long-term.

Additionally, after experiencing a traumatizing fall an elderly person will develop a fear of falling which compromises their independence, security, and sufficiency of self-care. This can cost money, cause pain, and undue inconvenience where anyone’s life and health is concerned.

This is why it is so important that you take the necessary steps to assure the best safety of adults that are 65 and older… This way they keep their independence and have less chances of a fall that will strip them from their overall well-being and bank up costly health-care bills.

Bottom Line: Secure Your Loved Ones

With the risks and consequences of falls, it is important that you understand that reducing the odds of an elderly person taking a nasty spill, hurting themselves, and avoiding a bad outcome is paramount. Take into account the following tips and precautions so that you can ensure your loved one is safe from falls-harm and they do live the quality life that you want them to and that they ultimately deserve.

Guest Author: Vineet Maheshwari

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