Published On: Sat, Jan 12th, 2019

Why You Should Build A Faraday Cage ASAP

There is always a chance of experiencing an electromagnetic pulse, also referred to as an EMP, is something that is not widely understood by the general public. There are quite a few ways for an electromagnetic pulse to affect anyone at any time from an entirely natural source. There are even more ways to be affected by man made versions. Regardless of what causes it, this type of pulse can create all manner of problems.

On a small scale, it can blow up a single device such as a toaster or a television. It can also temporarily shut down hand help devices such as smartphones. On a larger scale, it can debilitate powers grids, render all electronic devices useless, and disable many types of electronic signals. While it is possible for a fairly large pulse to be created in nature, it is possible to create man made versions that are ten times more powerful than what is found in nature. Because there is no way to determine if and when a pulse might occur, it is vital that people be able to find ways to protect themselves.

Protecting yourself from EMP is not dissimilar from protecting your computer from viruses or protecting your head while riding a bicycle. It all involves having a form of protection to block the damage. In the case of computer viruses, you place special software and firewalls in your computer to block the viruses from being able to enter your computer. When it comes to protecting your head when riding a bicycle, you wear a helmet. This helmet will prevent your head from coming into direct contact with the ground if you fall off or wreck. As for protecting yourself from EMP, you will need to employ a Faraday bag or cage. Here, you will find information about both, but leaning more to the cage variation. Not only will you find information about Faraday cages, you will also learn how to build your own.

photo Stefan Krause, Germany

First, you need to decide whether you need a bag or a cage. While the two are incredibly similar, there are also differences. For example, the container variations that are referred to as Faraday bags can be specified to specific items such as a key fob or a wallet. This is because you are use these in your everyday life, they provide a layer of protection for your devices that you carry with you on a daily or regular basis. You can place the key fob for your car inside one of these bags and hackers will not be able to access the signal which would allow them to access your vehicle. Another example your smartphone that you carry everywhere with you. You can place it inside of a Faraday bag and remote hackers will not be able to gain any level of access. The same is true of the wallet version. You can confidently carry all of your credit and debit cards without being concerned over RFID scanners. On the other hand, you may need a Faraday cage. The different here is that a cage is intended to be for a more long term use. The most popular way to use a cage is to place devices inside that you will need if a weapon sized version of an EMP hits near you and you need a way to communicate.

Many people choose to purchase a Faraday bag or cage, but many people do not have the funds to even consider this. If you do choose to purchase one, there are many vendors available online, all you have to do is search for “Faraday bags and EMP protection”. This simple search should provide you with the information you need. Then all you have to do is choose which vendor that you want to buy. A decision that often includes comparing prices, reading reviews, and looking at history.

If you have decided that you would like to try building your very own Faraday cage, you will need to gather a few supplies. It is a common misconception that building a Faraday cage involves complicated materials and techniques. In reality, it is actually a simple process that requires materials that are found in most homes. To begin the process, you will need to gather the necessary supplies. You will need cardboard, aluminum foil, plastic wrap, and optionally pieces of cloth. If you need a larger container, you will also need to acquire a galvanized steel trash can. The vast majority of these can be found laying around the house and for what cannot, they are easy to come by. Almost every kitchen keeps plastic wrap and aluminum foil as staple items. If not, be sure to purchase some before going any father. It is not necessary to spend a great deal of money of these items. The cheapest type in the store will get the job done the same as the most expensive variety. You will also need a good amount of cardboard, in the form of boxes is best. This can be shoe boxes, boxes that contained packages received in the mail, boxes that contained food, or any other cardboard box. The cloth is entirely optional, but it is quite helpful. If you do decide to use clothe, it should be in multiple pieces and not have any other use.

The final step, after you have gathered all of your materials, is to assemble your cage. If you have chosen to use cloth, it will be the first material that you use. Wrap each device you are storing in a piece of cloth. It may be necessary to cut the cloth to ensure that is covers all of the edges on the device, but does not give it extra bulk by wrapping or overlapping. Then wrap each device in plastic wrap. The plastic should cover the entire device, there should not be any gaps. Next, wrap the device in the aluminum foil. Again, there should not be any gaps or open areas. Use three layers and cinch down every layer. At this stage, place the device inside of a cardboard box. After sealing the box, wrap in four layers on aluminum foil. Leave no gaps, no bare areas. You are now done.

Author: Vanessa Liz De La Cruz

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