Published On: Tue, Jan 29th, 2019

Why Choose LED over CFL

The LED, or light-emitting diode, is today’s standard when it comes to light sources. LED technology was first invented in 1907, but it has only been in recent years that scientists have been able to make them bright enough to rival the standard light source before LED: the CFL or compact fluorescent light. Nowadays, both CFL and LED light sources are competing, with LED leading the race when it comes to a lot of important light sources: light bulbs, security flood lights, and even night lights.

photo/ Pixabay

But some people still don’t understand the advantages of LED over CFL. They use LED bulbs, but they don’t understand the details of why they are better than CFL bulbs. This makes people think that CFL bulbs are just as good as LED bulbs when in truth, LED bulbs are a lot better than CFLs.

Here are just some of the reasons why LED technology is better than CFL light sources:

LEDs are more energy-efficient than CFLs

People have been using incandescent light bulbs for a long time. When CFLs first came out, the old bulbs were phased out immediately because CFLs were a lot better than the incandescent ones. And now we see the same thing happening again, but this time with CFL versus LED. CFLs are three times more efficient than incandescent lights and consume three times less electricity than incandescent light bulbs while being a lot brighter.

LEDs, however, take another step even further than CFLs, so now the gap between incandescent lights and LEDs is five times less electricity that’s consumed.

LEDs last longer than CFLs

LEDs can last longer than CFLs, more than three times the lifespan of a CFL bulb, and 20 times more than the lifespan of an incandescent bulb.

LEDs are brighter than CFLs

When put side by side, LEDs may look to be on a par with CFLs. But there’s a slight difference between the two light sources, and LED comes out on top as the brightest light source there is.

LEDs are more versatile than CFLs

This is likely one of the best reasons to use LEDs. Compared to incandescent and fluorescent light bulbs, LEDs are tiny, and they can fit into any modern light source. People have used LEDs to create various light bulbs, night lights, flood lights, etc.

LEDs can save you money

Because LEDs can match brightness with CFLs with the least amount of electricity consumed, and the fact that LEDs can last three times longer compared to CFLs, LEDs can cost less during their lifespan. That also means you don’t need to stock up with LED bulbs because you won’t need another one for a long time.

Now you might say that LEDs cost more than CFLs due to the price per bulb. But remember, you need three CFLs during the whole lifespan of one LED bulb. So, in the lifespan of one LED, you need to buy three CFLs that consume three times more power than an LED, to produce light that’s less bright. This is why LEDs are better.

Author: Joana Green

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