Published On: Fri, Nov 12th, 2021

Skin Care Tips for Winter Weather

During the cold weather our skin dries out a lot faster, which is why it’s in the winter when you’re more likely to suffer from chapped lips and dry, irritated patches of skin. Skin dryness can lead to irritation, soreness and itchiness, and in some cases this could even progress and turn into something more serious such as an infection.

Because of this, it’s more important than ever that you give your skin the care and attention that it needs when the temperatures start to drop either through selfcare or the help of a skin clinic Townsville. We’ve listed some of the best things that you can do in order to keep your skin in healthy condition over the winter.

See a Specialist

First and foremost, if you have any issues with your skin such as eczema or psoriasis, they’re unlikely to get any better over the winter. Make sure that you see a specialist such as the London Dermatology Centre so that you can get specific advice on winter skincare to best manage your condition. Even if your skin seems fine right now, a visit to a skin clinic for facial rejuvenation or a dermatological peel can leave you feeling better and your skin refreshed and ready.

photo Tharshika Parameswaran via pixabay

Moisturise Daily

Moisturising daily shouldn’t just be something that you do in the winter, but rather all round – you will begin to see a massive difference in your skin! However, during the winter, your skin needs moisture more than ever as the cold weather quickly dries it out, leaving it feeling tight and chapped. Keeping your skin well hydrated will help you to keep these symptoms at bay and give you a healthy glow even when it’s below zero outside!

Eat Well

During the winter, it can be tempting to overeat as it’s easy to cover up any weight you gain with warm clothes and comfort food is a must over the festive season. But, although it’s fine to indulge yourself every once in a while, you should make sure that you have treats in moderation and stick to a healthy, balanced diet for the majority of the time. In order to be in its best condition, your skin needs nutrients such as protein, along with the antioxidants found in many fruits and vegetables.

Drink Water

Last but not least, although it’s important to hydrate your skin from the outside by applying a good moisturiser to it daily, it’s also vital to make sure that it’s hydrated from the inside out. Although most of us only think of dehydration in the summer when the weather is hot and water is a must, it’s possible to be dehydrated in the cold, too, so you shouldn’t slow down the amount of water that you consume. If it’s too cold outside, try boiling the water and adding a slice of lemon for a tasty and healthy warm drink.

In the winter, our skin can easily get dry and chapped. These skincare tips will help you keep your skin looking and feeling healthy all year long.

Author: Lolita Di

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