Published On: Thu, Mar 15th, 2018

Six Common Types of Lawsuit in the UK

Taking a case to court is possible in almost any situation where you feel that you have been wronged by a care provider, employer, business partner, or others. Lawsuits between businesses are certainly not rare, however, there are also many cases against companies and brands brought forward by the general public. From personal injury to wrongful dismissal, each year, several cases go to court where companies have been irresponsible in dealing with their employees or customers, particularly if the company has a duty of care to uphold.

photo/ jessica45

Here are some of the most common lawsuit types seen regularly in the UK.

#1. Personal Injury:

If you watch daytime TV, then you’ve probably seen at least one advertisement for personal injury solicitors. If you are hurt, injured or made ill through no fault of your own, then a personal injury claim can help you on your way to getting the compensation that you deserve. The amount of compensation that you will receive will depend on how severe the injury or illness is, and how it has affected your life. For example, if you’ve had to stop carrying out everyday tasks or it’s been essential to have some time off from work as a result.

#2. Medical Negligence:

Medical negligence claims UK have been in the news recently, as it has emerged the NHS is dealing with more historic claims for medical negligence than ever before. Medical malpractice occurs when a care provider, such as a doctor or nurse, is negligent in their dealings with a patient to a point where the wrong diagnosis or treatment is given.

If your stay in hospital made you feel worse rather than better, or the treatment you’ve received hasn’t had any effect, you should consider getting a second opinion and getting in touch with the best medical negligence solicitors, such as The Medical Negligence Experts, who are highly recommend for the free advice line that they provide which enables you to discuss your options. They express on their website that you are not obligated to go through with the claim with them and the advice provided is to help you make an informed decision. Bear in mind that medical negligence UK claims have a time limit of three years from when the negligence was first discovered, except for patients under the age of 18 or with limited mental capacity.

#3. Medical Negligence (on Behalf of Another):

Many medical negligence claims in the UK are made by an individual on behalf of another. For example, you can work with medical negligence solicitors to claim compensation for the treatment of a next of kin. Today in the UK, a large number of parents are fighting negligence claims against the NHS on behalf of their children who live with disabilities due to negligence at birth.

#3. Wrongful Dismissal:

It’s not just illnesses and injuries that lead to lawsuits. In the UK, more and more people are taking their employers to court for wrongful dismissal. If you feel that the reason that you lost your job was not valid or was discriminatory against you, you may have grounds to take your employer to court. Certain instances may include losing your job due to pregnancy, being dismissed after taking time off sick, or being dismissed on the grounds of your gender, age, sexual orientation, or if you have a disability.

#4. Copyright:

Being copied after working hard to produce something is a nightmare for any creatively-minded individual or businessperson. So, it’s no surprise that copyright battles make up a huge portion of the lawsuits in the UK. From copyrighted logos and slogans to music videos and song lyrics, you’re well within your rights to take somebody to court if you feel that they’re using your ideas as their own to make a profit.  You can find out more facts about this at Copyright Service.

#5. Financial Claims:

Whilst they may not be as stressful or lengthy as some of the other lawsuit types listed, financial claims are becoming increasingly popular in the UK today. Since the PPI scandal emerged just a few years ago, more and more Brits are looking out for ways to claim back money that they should never have paid to their bank and other financial services. For example, you can now claim back mis-sold Payment Protection Insurance (PPI), regular bank charges and fees that were not used, and any pay-day loans you may have taken out in the past. Currently, there’s a large range of reputable companies offering financial claim services in the UK.

#6. Workplace Injury:

Finally, if you’re injured or hurt whilst at work, you may be able to make a claim against your employer if they failed to ensure that you were safe whilst doing your job. Employers must be covered by worker’s insurance, which will usually pay out in the event of a claim. If you’ve been hurt at work and want to claim the compensation you deserve, you’ll need to ensure that the injury or accident is reported swiftly, and medical attention sought as soon as possible. You may be asked to see a doctor chosen by your employer.

If you found this information useful, we’d love to hear from you in the comments!

Author: Zoe Price

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