Published On: Sun, Aug 4th, 2013

Peter King compares Rand Paul to Charles Lindbergh, says there was ‘no pork’ in ‘Hurricane Sandy’ bill

New York Congressman Peter King is continuing to throw barbs at Kentucky Senator Rand Paul, going as far as comparing him to the “Hitler-appeaser”, (King’s words), Charles Lindbergh.

Peter_King_Donkey_HoteyIn an interview with CNNs Wolf Blitzer, King started out proclaiming there was no pork in the Hurricane Sandy bill–“First of all, I don’t believe Senator Paul knows what he’s talking about. For instance, he was talking yesterday about how he voted against Sandy relief because it was filled with pork such as money for the Alaskan fisheries. That wasn’t even in the bill. That was taken out of the bill long before it even arrived in the House of Representatives. So the bill he voted against did not have any of that pork. There was no pork. Every dollar was accounted for.”

King then compares Paul to “America-firster” Charles Lindbergh concerning his non-interventionist stance saying, “Wolf, what this reminds me of, someone like Senator Paul and others in that isolationist wing – now, the Republicans had this debate back in the 1930s when you had the isolationist and the Charles Lindbergs that said we should appease Hitler. And the Democrats had it in the 1960s when the anti-war movement blamed America first. And in both cases, it hurt the party for years. Each party was hurt for years.

“I’m afraid that’s what Senator Paul is going to do with us. He wants to retreat from the world, he wants to isolate ourselves, go back to a fortress America.

Concerning foreign aid, King says of Paul’s statement, “Stop the aid to Egypt, stop the aid to Pakistan, and use that money domestically for better purposes“– “One has nothing to do with the other. Aid to Egypt has nothing to do with aid to Long Island or New Jersey. They’re two separate issues, and he should know the difference between Egypt and Long Island and New York. But as far as aid to Egypt, Senator Paul claims to be a great friend of Israel. But yesterday the ambassador to Israel, Ambassador Oren, said that continuing American aid to Egypt is essential to maintain the peace process and to maintain the Egyptian/Israeli peace agreement that was negotiated under President Carter over 30 years ago.

“So, it’s very easy to say cut this, cut that. You can have an intelligent debate about it. But so far, he hasn’t shown very much intelligence.”

The interview went on to the NSA surveillance, which Dr. Paul calls “unconstitutional”.

King would have none of it–“First of all, the NSA program has been upheld by the courts. It does not violate the Fourth Amendment. It has stopped over 50 attacks. They cannot give one example of one abuse over the last 12 years since the program went into effect. So, it’s been extremely productive, extremely beneficial to the country, and it does protect civil liberties and civil rights.

King says the “isolationist trend” and “so-called” principles of Paul and Sen. Ted Cruz will damage our country tremendously. 

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- Writer, Co-Founder and Executive Editor of The Global Dispatch. Robert has been covering news in the areas of health, world news and politics for a variety of online news sources. He is also the Editor-in-Chief of the website, Outbreak News Today and hosts the podcast, Outbreak News Interviews on iTunes, Stitcher and Spotify Robert is politically Independent and a born again Christian Follow @bactiman63

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  1. Peter King likens Rand Paul to Nazi sympathizer … again says:

    […] Rand Paul to Charles Lindbergh, says there was ‘no pork’ in ‘Hurricane Sandy’ bill – TGD theglobaldispatch.com/peter-king-com…— Neias N more (@NeiasNmore) August 04, […]

  2. PJ McFlur says:

    Peter King.. Go back under a rock somewhere. Your argument must be to stay on the same course..?

    What a total Dbag.

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