Published On: Wed, Mar 23rd, 2016

How Can You Overcome A Fear Of Flying?

The number of people that are afraid of flying is much higher than what you may think at the moment. Since you are reading this article, you are surely among the individuals that want to get rid of such a fear. In most situations the fear is the same when flying in a helicopter or when being inside an airplane. This fear can have profound negative effects on any person.

Fear of flying is medically known as aerophobia. In most cases it automatically means that travelling is not done by plane. That is particularly worrying for the business person. In such a situation there is a need to travel by bus, train or car. Normally, such a ride lasts over 4 times more than the time spent flying.

No matter why you may be interested to fly, if you suffer from aerophobia, it is a very good idea to get over it. There are various things that can be done in order to do this.

photo Ken Hammond, Agricultural Research Services

photo Ken Hammond, Agricultural Research Services

Contrary to what you may believe at the moment, aerophobia is not just fear of flying. It can be caused by various different conditions, including but not limited to:

Hot air


Fear of an enclosed space

Not trusting pilots

Not trusting unknown maintenance

Aircraft turbulence fear

Fear of terrorism

A feeling of not being in control

In most cases the fear is so high that even the thought about travelling by air is worrying. Many psychological symptoms can appear like impaired memory, poor judgment, having negative expectations, preservation thinking and narrowed perceptions. When the individual ends up in an aircraft, symptoms end up being really severe like strong panic attacks, vomiting or passing out.

The most important thing when being afraid of flying is realizing that there are solutions to this problem. Hundreds of thousands of people from all around the world got rid of the problem through really simple techniques like learning how to breathe or more advanced solutions like enrolling in professional flying lessons and courses.

A great thing about overcoming fear of flying by taking flying lessons is that you will be under professional guidance. You can have the fears put to rest by simply learning all that you can about the aircraft, how it is controlled and how it flows. You learn a lot about aviation and generally speaking, the more you know about how the plane works, the calmer it will be to fly while inside an airplane as a passenger.

If you do not know what to do and flying lessons are not a good idea, you should simply go to your physician. The doctor is going to tell you a lot about what you have to do. You will learn about taking medications that can help and other options like self-hypnosis or alternative treatments can be offered.

Information is what normally helps you out the most in dealing with every single possible fear you may have. This does include a fear of flying or being afraid of practically anything in life.

Guest Author: Lolita Di

2010 photo/Lasse Fuss

2010 photo/Lasse Fuss

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