Published On: Sat, Jul 7th, 2018

Healthy diet tips to lose weight

Everyone want to lose weight to look good and stay healthy forever but due to some unforeseen reasons like work pressure, no money to eat healthy and many more we tend to binge in unhealthy junk food items which increases our weigh tremendously and gives lot of other health issues. So here we have come up with some simple tips for you to follow and become fit by losing your weigh and changing your eating habits little bit at a time.

photo/ moerschy via pixabay

So without any further ado let’s hop on to the list right below and become fit from fat for better life ahead.

  1. Take breakfast

Eating breakfast provides energy for your day and start body metabolism so don’t skip breakfast and make sure it is filled with items rich in fibre and protein of about 20-50 grams to keep your body full for longer duration.

  1. Eat veggies bowl instead of chips

Replace you evening snacks with healthy options like bowl of barbequed veggies prepared in indoor bbq grills, dry fruits, fruits etc. rather than eating junk food like burger, fries, pizza. This habit will increase your life span and also decrease your weight as your body will not get bad junk food. You will start to become active and feel more energetic all the time, within a time span of 2 years you will become fit from fat gradually by following this one habit.

  1. Include macros in your diet

Make sure you have all the 3 important component of food in your diet i.e. carbs, proteins and fats to make it a complete meal. Proteins helps to maintain the body blood sugar level and metabolism whereas carbs and fats acts as a body fuel and provides energy which allows you to work all day long without adding stress to your mind.

  1. Avoid inflammation causing food items

Inflammation is considered as root cause of many problems in your body like pain, obesity and different aliments. To reduce body inflammation avoid eating food items which causes inflammation like processes trans fats, excess sugar, fried food etc. Also don’t eat any food items which is hard to digest and causes problems to your body.

  1. Stay hydrated

Staying hydrated all day long keeps you active and prevents many body issues. It is integral part of your body to work properly. So always stay hydrated but avoid drinking processed drinks, aerated drinks etc. as they cause issues like diabetes’s etc. in long run, rather drink natural fruit water, tea, lemon water etc. to stay hydrated as it will also improve body metabolism which will help in weight loss.

  1. Cut down processed sugar, salt and fats items

Excess of Processed sugar, salt and trans fat are the main culprit of lots of body issues and problems for decades so if you will reduce these 3 items in your diet you will become a different person in terms of your healthy and body fitness altogether in less than a year. Try to reduce them and see the miraculous changes in your overall health and body.

  1. Decrease the portion sizes

Most people to tend to eat access food even when they are eating healthy food items like fish, veggies, lentils, grains etc. prepared in grills using grilling utensils because it is very tasty to eat but everything comes with calories and excess food will make them fat. So its recommends to decrease the portion sizes and increase the number of times you take meals, doing this will make you full always without eating too much good food items.

  1. Add some super foods in your diet

Eating super foods helps you to stay away from lot of unwanted body problems and ailments and are good in long term. These items comes cheap but have lot of benefits so including them in your diet can be great for your overall body health. Super food like turmeric, chia seeds, flax seeds, cinnamon, and fenugreek seeds can be eaten with food item or separately for fit body free from diseases.

Hope you like our collection of some simple tips shared above to follow and reduce your unwanted body weight easily. So go ahead and start seeing some great changes in your body once you start following these tips, share these with your buddies also to help them lose weight and look good too.

Author: Tushar Grover

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  1. […] Healthy diet tips to lose weight – as they cause issues like diabetes’s etc. in long run. […]

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