Published On: Fri, Oct 5th, 2018

7 Tips to Minimize Packaging Waste and Contribute Towards Sustainable Packaging

Sustainable packaging is a great step towards eco-friendliness. It helps you minimize the unnecessary wastes and cuts the un-necessary costs. Here are seven ways to minimize packaging waste and contribute towards sustainable packaging:

  1. Sustainable Material
    One of the first things to consider while minimizing packaging waste is to use eco-friendly and recyclable material. Avoid using unnecessary big boxes of cardboard that would never come again in use. You can also save the cardboards of TV and other huge appliances and then use them while packaging. You can also use an eco-friendly material to fill your cartons and to protect your things. You should also try to use sustainable raw materials and inquire about where they come from.

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  1. Enquiring About the Company
    You can opt to use companies that use sustainable method of packaging. You should inquire about the material that would be used and if they have a recycling facility. This would encourage the companies to become eco-friendlier. You should talk to staff and personally look through the packaging to see if they really use eco-friendly materials. Try checking out allinpackaging.co.uk as they are believed to be pioneers in this industry.

  2. Size Matters
    One of the mistakes people make while packaging is to use oversized cartons for things that would be easily fit in a smaller size. You should be careful to pack in cartons which are the perfect size for your things. Loosely filled cartons are also more vulnerable to tear and break. Using a loosely filled carton means you need to fill it more with plastic or waste material that would not be sustainable.

  3. Waste Fills
    Some appliances and things need more care while packaging to avoid harm and break. To avoid this, most people wrap things in tons of plastic or fill the box with bubble wraps and other harmful products. To avoid this, you can choose corn-based plastic. You can also use shredded paper or cotton to avoid breakage and harm. These products are eco-friendly and can be easily recycled.

  4. Orders
    Every country makes a million tonnes of packaging waste. This huge amount of packaging waste is used when people order food, appliances, groceries or any other item that needs packaging. To do your part, you can always go to the outlet and buy appliances. Ordering food can also be avoided by cooking. This would also help you minimize your food wastage. If you don’t have the time, you can always go to the actual restaurant to eat. Buy from the farmer’s market instead of going to the supermarket. Don’t forget to carry your own paper or cloth bag. These little habits can contribute a lot to save the Nature.

  5. Plastic Bottles
    If you realized the amount of plastic bottle you use in a day, you would probably be astonished. Plastic bottles are one of the worst enemies of nature and they are produced in huge amount because people demand it. Drinking water in a plastic bottle that has been exposed to the sun for long is also not a healthy option. Choose to use a non-plastic bottle like steel or glass ones. You can always refill them and they are definitely better looking than plastic ones and are healthier. They also come with different features and you can get one that matches your need.

  6. Ditching Plastic
    While we’re on the topic of plastic, you can be extra conscious of the planet and ditch plastic use altogether. Using small items like plastic straws, cutlery, bags, bottles, etc can contribute to a lot of harm to the environment. You can go plastic clean and always use a wood or steel product. You should also use a wooden brush and steel razors. You can get your own coffee mug instead of using plastic ones. One time use plastic should be extremely avoided. In case you do use any kind of plastic, make sure you recycle them for other use.

Being sustainable goes a long way and you must be conscious of the effort to make out planet green and clean again.

Author: Himanshu Agarwal

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