Published On: Wed, Feb 22nd, 2017

4 Best Tech Gadgets For New Moms

Being a new parent is a lot to take on. Between the sleepless nights, around the clock monitoring, and having to feed and change a new baby, it becomes hard to be able to take care of yourself. Therefore, it can be extremely helpful to embrace technology to make it easier for you.

Sometimes you don’t always have a helping hand or relatives that live nearby to help. It is important to remember that even though you may want to take it all on yourself, you should take all the help that you can get. Take a look at some of the best gadgets for tired moms that you might not have even considered existed.

Michaela Walker

Baby Cam With Remote Viewing Capability

If you live in a house which makes it difficult to hear your baby’s crib from other parts of the house, you may have already gotten a baby monitor. This gives you the capability of being able to hear the baby if they are crying. What it doesn’t give you, however, is the peace of mind of being able to see if they are breathing correctly, if their eyes are open, or if they are risks of any blankets or other obstructions covering their face.

A baby security camera makes it possible to not only be able to hear your baby but also see them. On top of this, if you have a night out and Dad stays home with the baby or you get a babysitter, you can set up the camera to function with remote viewing access. That way you can look at your sweet baby from wherever you are.

Pocket Nanny

Sometimes tired parents have no idea of when the last diaper change was, last nap, or last feeding. It can become a blur staring at the clock all day in an exhausted haze.

The Pocket Nanny is a small device which fits in your pocket and with the click of a button you can see when their last change, nap, and feeding was without having to remember. This can come in handy particularly when you are switching shifts with another parent because it is your turn to sleep. Simply hand over the baby and the pocket nanny and they can see everything on one device.

Hands-Free Breast Pump

Any breastfeeding mother can tell you that pumping can be an extremely time-consuming process. It requires a lot of patience and a lot of sitting around.

A hands-free breast pump allows you to multitask while doing the work for you.

Car Ride Simulator

There is something magical about car rides that put a baby right to sleep. Gasoline is expensive, however!

This device simulates the vibrations and swaying of a car ride without having to actually get in a car.

Author: Anna Johansson

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