Published On: Sun, Nov 14th, 2021

Why You Need to Purchase Insurance for Your Pet

Raising a dog or cat can be expensive and time-consuming, but it’s also a highly rewarding experience for animal lovers. In most cases, your dog will become a beloved member of your family that shows you affection, respect and true love. However, it’s important to remember that taking care of a dog can be costly regarding food, training, toys and unforeseen events.

You should remember that just like humans, dogs can get into accidents, sustain injuries, cause damage to other people’s property and fall ill, making it vital to purchase pet insurance. Almost all pet insurers will cover a portion of your vet bills, provided your pet doesn’t already have any pre-existing medical conditions.

Public domain image/C. E. Price

However, did you know that many insurance companies will offer a reward to people who find your lost pet and even pay for dog boarding Sydney fees in the event you have to go to hospital and have nobody to take care of your dog?

Below, we list a few things that most insurance policies cover so that you can see why purchasing it is a must.

Vet bills

As you probably already know, insurance companies contribute towards your vet bills. They’re unlikely to pay 100% of your fees, but they may reimburse you up to 80% of the total cost. Depending on the type of cover you choose, your insurance may also cover expensive surgical procedures. Make sure you find out what’s covered and what’s not before you sign any contracts.


Most insurers probably won’t cough up the cash to help you teach your dog how to sit, lay down and give you its paw. However, if your dog exhibits behavioural problems and your vet refers you to a professional for assistance, your insurance provider may cover the cost to prevent your dog from being abandoned, euthanised or given to a shelter.

Third-party liability

As lovable as they are, pets can be a nuisance. If your dog causes damage to somebody else’s property, you could be responsible for covering the repair costs – unless you choose an insurance policy that will cover the fees on your behalf. Again, they may not pay 100% of the repair costs, but they might contribute to a significant portion of them.

Tick paralysis treatment

Ticks can cause illnesses in dogs that can often be fatal, which is why many insurers will pay for tick paralysis treatment. This is beneficial for you because it minimises the risk of your dog becoming ill due to tick bites and advantageous for insurance companies because it reduces the chances of them having to cover expensive vet bills.

Dental cover

In some cases, your insurance provider may contribute towards the cost of keeping your pet’s oral hygiene in check. Many people neglect to brush their pet’s teeth, but pets require dental healthcare just like we do.

In addition to the costs detailed above, insurers may pay for boarding fees, cremations, overseas travel and more. Make sure you compare a range of policies to find one that meets your unique requirements.

Author: Sophie Fenns


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