Published On: Wed, Oct 28th, 2015

Understanding the Insurance Consequences of Being Charged with a DUI

If you have been charged and convicted of a DIU and your license has been reinstated, the DMV will likely tell you that you need an SR22. Commonly referred to as ‘SR22 insurance’, it is actually a form that tells the DMV that you are insured. It is important that you do a little bit of research into just what this is before you sign up for it. Do also remember that you will not be able to drive until you have your SR22 insurance in place.

What Is SR22 Insurance?

Essentially, it is a type of indorsement that is placed on people who need car insurance but are classed as high risk. Someone who is high risk could be someone who is not a vehicle owner, or someone who has been convicted of a serious driving offense like a DUI. Essentially, the form is filed by your insurance company and proves to the DMV that you meet the minimum insurance requirements to be on the road.

photo Scott Davidson

photo Scott Davidson

Generally speaking, you will have had to have a serious driving offense against you in order to be required to file an SR22. Driving under the influence will require one as standard, as will being involved in a vehicle accident without having insurance. As such, an SR22 form is something that guarantees that the public is not at risk from your behavior.

The length of time you may need an SR22 filing will vary depending on the reason why you need one and the state that you are in. However, the average amount of time is three years. Once you have completed this period of time, you will no longer have to file the form and the endorsement will be taken off your policy altogether. If you want to find out more about how long you will need the SR22 filing, you can contact the Department of Motor Vehicles in your state, or you can speak to the court that deemed it necessary for you to have the form in the first place.

Generally speaking, you will find that you will have a one-time filing fee to obtain your SR22 insurance. The cost of this will usually be added to your general insurance premiums. However, if you have been ordered to file an SR22 and you are therefore classed as high risk, your insurance premiums will go up as well. This is why you need to take the time to shop around in order to get the best possible rate. Some insurance companies specialize specifically in people who require this type of form, so make sure you look into those as well.

Finally, it is important to remember that you actually pay your insurance premiums. If you miss so much as a single payment, your insurance company will immediately inform the DMV of this, and they will instantly revoke your license. At that point, it will be even more difficult to ever get your license back.

Guest Author: Lolita Di

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