Published On: Mon, Jan 10th, 2022

The Two Most Effective Ways That You Can Deliver Information Better in Meetings

When you are employed at a company that you are passionate about working for, there is no doubt that you are going to end up going out of your way to impress them in every piece of work that you do. That could be what you do at your own desk, but if you intend on progressing, this will also involve delivering speeches in meetings and being able to act as a representative for your company. Do you struggle with presenting ideas out loud and talking in meetings? Well, if so, then you’re not alone as it is a difficult skill to acquire if it does not come naturally to you and can take a lot of practice to get right. For some tips and tricks on how you can get better at delivering information in meetings and public speaking in general, be sure to continue reading. 

Man writing something on whiteboard

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Create a Plan and Stick to It 

You’d probably be surprised at the number of people who will leave a meeting without actually feeling like they have taken anything away from it. You don’t want people to feel like this when they come out of a meeting that you have held and as such, to ensure you are getting across as much information as possible, you should be sure that you create a detailed plan before heading into your meeting and stick to it. 

Having a plan in front of you is going to be incredibly effective when it comes to actually delivering your presentation as well. This is because of the fact that you are not going to have to rack your brain trying to work out what it was you were supposed to discuss next. Instead, you can simply consult your plan and go from there. 

Put Yourself in Situations Where You Have to Speak 

One of the issues that people can often face when it comes to running a meeting is the public speaking element. This is a perfectly normal obstacle as public speaking can be tricky and something that a lot of people aren’t good at doing naturally. If you fall into this category, then this step is for you. Essentially, you need to go out of your way to put yourself in situations where you need to speak, as this is an instance where practice makes perfect. 

You don’t need to start at giving a TED Talk and instead can engage in conversation in situations that are still reasonably formal but have more of an informal feel to them. A good example is the Washington University roundtables that are held by Washington University in St Louis. These cover topics such as data analytics, cybersecurity and project management. By getting involved, you can have a discussion with a like-minded person about one of these subjects, which will allow you to expand your knowledge on that subject and also practice engaging in conversation with others about it. 


There’re a number of different ways that you can begin to deliver information in meetings; however, two of the most effective are those listed above. By sticking to a plan and improving your public speaking, your ability to convey information is only going to improve. 

Author: Carol Trehearn

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