Published On: Fri, Nov 24th, 2017

Reasons Why it is Important To Stay Up To Date With The Latest News

With the unbelievable ease of access to the internet today, there has never been an easier time to get informed and up-to-date with the latest news. Through a couple of clicks you have access to an overwhelming wealth of knowledge.

Resources no longer stand as the main barrier to your learning opportunities, because as long as you have the internet, the only thing stopping you from getting informed is you!

photo/ Gerd Altmann via pixabay

However, with the rise of social media comes biased, uninformed and misrepresented information that you may easily fall into the trap of believing. It’s important to remember not everything you read online is true. Subsequently, it’s essential to check your sources are reputable and facts are consistent in order to gain an accurate understanding of a topic and formulate an educated opinion.

Contribute to conversations

Informed citizens who understand general topics are able to confidently and valuably contribute to conversations. There’s nothing worse than sitting at the dinner table in silence because you have no idea what the group’s talking about and have no input to give.

Similarly, pushing a misinformed perspective can be equally as bad. This highlights the dangers of passively accepting any information presented to you on the internet, without doing your research to confirm it.

Therefore, keeping up with the news has as much social importance as it does academic, as you’re able to relate to people better and properly consider their thoughts.  

Understand what’s happening around you

Closely following the news provides you with context for various things you may hear or see. With the help of the news, you will be able to make more informed decisions and subsequently receive better outcomes. For example, information regarding the state of the property market may allow you to make a better choice about the timing of buying or selling a house.

Additionally, focusing on local matters is important. Often people get caught up in the news most loudly broadcast, without paying attention to matters that are closest to home.

However, this doesn’t mean you should neglect other global news. It is still essential to look out for all worldwide news, as the extent of globalisation today means everything is connected and relevant in one way or another.

Therefore, keeping up with the latest news is the best way to boost your intelligence and develop your own opinions based on your individual values. While some news is horrifying and tragic to hear, it’s important to acknowledge so you aren’t naïve and ignorant. The news also exposes you to some of the most exciting and inspirational things happening around the world, which is great to hear!

While people these days are often quite good at gathering information from various sources when they need it, it shouldn’t always take this trigger to make us aware. Constantly keeping up to date with the news allows you to be knowledgeable and realistic, ultimately making you more of a well-rounded person.

Author: Colin Steinway

On the DISPATCH: Headlines  Local  Opinion

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