Published On: Wed, Aug 30th, 2017

How To Prepare For the Best Day Of Your Life

It finally happened!! You found “the one!” You have set the date for the wedding and can not wait to spend the rest of your lives serving each other in love and humble sacrifice. However, with this wonderful occasion comes a whole list of things to prepare for, including the honeymoon. I know you’re excited about that! There are so many options and so many places you can go to find the perfect things and experiences for that day. How do you choose? Below are a few tips you can refer to for help in making those decisions when things get so exciting, they’re hectic.

Photo/Femke Jenkins Photography

The Wedding

Let’s face it. Weddings can be ridiculously expensive and if that is what you are your honey want and money is no option, feel free to indulge, but a word of caution. Sometimes the best memories are cost very little or are entirely free. The very first thing you and your future spouse should do is to sit down and write out a plan of what you want out of your wedding.

No one else should be included in this process. Then, put your plan into action. The next thing you want to do is set up a registry so that others can share in your happiness. Make sure to choose a place that only carries good quality products, but that all your friends and family can afford. Third, set aside a day for clothes shopping. The bride and her attendants should go one way and the groom and his, the other.

The Reception

If there’s one thing most people like about weddings, it’s the party afterwards. In a world where over half of marriages fail, it is definitely something to celebrate when a couple decides to take on the challenge of a lifelong partner. Marriage is an awesome test of our fortitude in life, but the rewards outweigh the risks by a landslide.

Again, you and your future hubby or wife should sit down before anything else is done and write your plans. This is your moment, your wedding. Make the memories how you dreamed they should be. It could be a backyard barbecue or a fancy Cinderella story ballroom occasion. Whatever you decide, make the best of it and try not to go into your new union in debt.  

The Honeymoon

Here’s where the planning gets fun. This. kids, is all you. Unfortunately, the availability of money can play a big role here, but like it was said earlier, sometimes the best memories are free. Some ideas might be a camping trip. Just you and your honey, some hiking and cooking over an open fire and maybe some night fishing where maybe you don’t fish as much as you honeymoon.

Another option might be renting a cabin in a small city. Just being away from everything and spending time with no one but your beloved can be all the honeymoon some people need. Whichever you choose to do, make sure that this plan is in place long before your wedding takes place so that plans are not so easily interrupted after the wedding.

In the end, preparation for anything can take a lot of the guesswork and stress out of any plan making process, the best day of your life, especially.

Author: Anna Johansson

Femke Jenkins Photography

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