Published On: Mon, May 18th, 2015

America, Are You Engaged? Focusing On What We Focus On

Are you being engaged enough? There is the news on TV, television shows, movies at the local theater, and of course, everything that is going on online. Do you know how it is that the television networks, the bloggers and the online journalists keep us engaged and coming back for more?

In case you aren’t sure, here is a quick little lesson in how entertainment, whether it’s reality or fiction, keeps us focused.

The News

It’s not that hard to get people engaged in the news. There is so much going on around the world today that it’s easy to get sucked in. From the latest ISIS video to the latest celebrity death or baby, there is something for everyone.

One way the news keeps us watching, or reading, though is by how they announce news to those watching. They tell you to stay tuned for an important story, but that’s never the next story you see. So you continue watching and waiting. The same goes with the way they title online articles. You feel like you just have to read it. They get you engaged with just a few words, then you’re hooked.

Bugs Bunny explosion photoTelevision

Television shows use somewhat the same concept as the newscasters, doing things that keep you wanting more and keep you watching. For television shows you get addicted to the characters. They engage you and you begin to feel like you are friends with them or part of their lives.

At the end of each season of your favorite television shows, it’s pretty likely that they leave you with a cliffhanger that makes the next six months unbearable as you wait for the next season to return so you can find out if your favorite character actually died or not.


Of all of these things, internet is the newest. However, internet offers many ways to engage your readers. Whether you simply have a blog or you run an entire website, there are things you need to do in order to engage people and keep them coming back for more. If you have a business website you want them to come and buy your products or services too.

Engaging your readers calls for a call to action at the end of pages and posts. Give them something to do, ask them something they need to answer. Engage them by offering a regular newsletter for them to sign up to. You can also work to engage your mobile customers, those that find you on their smartphones. OpenMarket, a business that encourages others to increase their mobile market, shares that SMS is a must have. SMS marketing allows people to sign up to have text messages sent to them. You can send them coupons, tips and more.

As you can see, people are engaged, and we’ll keep watching and reading as long as news, TV and websites keep giving us something to come back to.

Guest Author: Lolita Di


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