Published On: Wed, Feb 1st, 2017

A Few Strange Things To Inquire About Before Buying A Home

There are good reasons not to buy an older house, although they may be strange reasons. For some people, the better bet is buying a new condo or having their own dream home built. For people that believe in ghosts and those that can feel negative energies in places, knowing a home’s history is important.

Did Someone Die There?

Even if you don’t believe in ghosts it can feel weird living in a house where someone has died on the premises. Not all states require that real estate agents tell potential buyers about a death in the house or on the property, but it seems like if you ask they should be honest with you. Especially when there are ways to find out whether they’ve lied or not.

photo 401K 2012/2013 via Flickr

As strange as it seems, you may want to know how they died as well. That’s something the agent might not know, so you may want to use the archives in your local library to do a little research and investigating on your own. Don’t take too long though or you might lose your opportunity on the house.

Has Anybody Reported The Place As Haunted?

People don’t have to have died in a house for it to be haunted. If you believe in ghosts you may want to live someplace haunted or you may want exactly the opposite. Some believers like the idea of having a home with spirits in it.

Your real estate agent probably isn’t going to discuss haunted houses with you, so you may have to go on your own instinct with this one. However, it doesn’t hurt to ask. If the previous homeowners are around, you could ask them if they’ve felt any ghosts around (just don’t expect them not to laugh at you).

Is It Built On Some Strange Land?

If you’ve seen Poltergeist, you know how important it is to know if the home you’re considering is built on an ancient burial ground, what was once Native American land of any kind, or a former cemetery. If the movies are ever right, then living in a home on some sort of strange, sacred, land will mean bad things are going to start happening to you and your family once you move in.

OK, so not all cemeteries or former cemeteries are haunted. Plus, if you don’t believe in that sort of thing then who cares, right? But think about your children and the haunted house stories they’ll hear at school, all about the house you’re forcing them to live in. That alone may make them start to see ghosts!

Did Anything Bad Happen There Aside From Death?

Death isn’t the only thing that can leave behind bad energy in a home. Some deaths are worse than others too. You definitely want to know if someone was murdered in the home you intend to buy (think Amityville).

You also might want to know if the home has a history of bad luck. Maybe every couple that has lived there gets divorced within a year or two. Or maybe it’s mysteriously infested with bugs, no matter how many times the exterminator visits.

Author: Anna Johansson

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