Published On: Fri, Apr 15th, 2016

3 success stories of flagship website usability testing

The three case studies outlined below convey the steps big brands have taken to identify and fix issues that can pose a potential threat to the performance of how a website functions, thus explaining how user testing (UX) can heavily impact the customer journey.

1. Jaguar Land Rover – UX testing

Jaguar Land Rover, a multinational automotive company and British institution, strives for perfection as a brand both off the forecourt and on the web. The problem it faced was a need to increase the accessibility of its Symptom Driven Diagnostics software by making it accessible via web delivery, instead of requiring it to be installed on individual user machines. Software consultancy Box UK was commissioned to lead a full usability testing and review program and reconfiguration of coding.

For a software development project on such a major scale, the programming engineers need to understand whether the current software is up to standard for repurposing in addition to the cost, complexity and timescales involved with making the overall transformation complete.

The Box UK technical consultants observed the structure of the code itself, decomposing it to analyse it line-by-line. User experience consultants also instilled thorough testing to calculate the software’s usability by creating a prototype to demonstrate how it may be developed further in line with best practice principles. JLR were presented with a validated roadmap illustrating how the software could be scaled across territories while remaining in tune with the high calibre feel associated with the brand, thus supporting plans for future growth of its Symptom Driven Diagnostics software.

photo/ Michael Jarmoluk via pixabay.com

photo/ Michael Jarmoluk via pixabay.com

2. ASOS – A/B testing

Online fashion brand and retailer, ASOS went public with a recent case study whereby it managed to reduce its customer abandonment rate by 50% by simply changing one call to action, and here’s how it happened…

ASOS implemented A/B UX testing at the sign-in page of its checkout by changing a call to action prompt for new customers saying ‘Create your account’ to ‘Continue’. The results demonstrated that just a merge change would abolish basket dropout rates by 50% at this stage, purely down to the psychological aspect of a consumer associating the creating of an account with the action of filling out a form.

The web development specialists responsible for the transition of coding onsite left the checkout process for new customers largely unchanged and still asked them to pick a password and sign up for an account, however the subtle alteration of semantic in the call to action evidently led to in a huge positive impact on the customer’s perception of what ASOS was asking of them.

3. Under Armour – E-commerce build

Under Armour brought about a major overhaul in its online presence to address consumer feedback that its website wasn’t conveying the brand messaging well to its female core audience. The plan required digital agency Huge to set about gearing up customers for purchasing online as well as instore to drive revenue, increase brand loyalty and raise the bar for performance wear across the board.

The three main components of the strategy, interaction, visual design, and front-end development, formed a foundation for creating new features such as product detail videos and customer ratings for collections and products. Site search navigation was enhanced as too were search filters and individual product finders. Huge also analysed UX testing for the online cart system and refined the entire process to ensure the product was kept within the shoppers’ selection path and provided selection support for size, fit, and sport.

Guest Author: Lolita Di

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